There are a number of different software programs that deal in foreign exchange and trading, often referred to as Forex robots. A new product on the market since March, 2009 is the Forex Megadroid. What makes this program different from the rest?
The Forex Megadroid was designed by Albert Perrie and John Grace, utilizing over 40 years of Forex trading. Based on their experiences, they developed user-friendly trading software that even beginning traders can use and have success with. Forex is presumably easy enough to use and follow that no prior experience with Forex trading is required. While beginners may be encouraged to have the Forex Megadroid go ahead and do the trades, traders must weigh the risks and rewards of doing so blindly. Until a pattern of success is shown, caution is advised.
There are several features which set the Forex Megadroid apart from other trading robots. The Reverse Correlated Time and Price Analysis (RCTPA) allows the software to analyze past trends during similar economic periods in order to advise for accurate investments in the future.
Another key component is the Artificial Intelligence (AI), which allows the Forex Megadroid to learn from its mistakes and adapt to changing market conditions. The combination of the RCTPA and AI make this program a formidable tool for any foreign currency trader. It is said that the Forex Megadroid will be able to predict future short-term market changes with accuracy over 95%.
From a customer service and cost standpoint, the Forex Megadroid offers service with no monthly service charges, unlike other Forex robots. This cost savings, along with the ease of installation (approximately 5 minutes) makes it perfect for new and experienced foreign exchange traders alike.
Considering all of these features, it seems like this software package is the magic key to foreign trading success. There are a few things to keep in mind, however. First, the product has only been available for a limited time. While the economy has been challenging, long term implications have not fully been measured. Until the tool is proven successful, use caution when making trades and measure the risks and rewards prior to investing large sums of capital. Seek council from brokers if you are very new to Forex trading.
The Forex Megadroid has shown a great deal of promise in the early returns, and appears to have the technology to place it above existing Forex robots. However, only time will tell if the actual product can live up to the hype and truly set itself apart from the others.
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